Buy your e-bike online

Buy electric bike online

An e-bike gets you from point A to B with ease – on your own terms. With a pedal power of up to 25 km/h, you can commute into town in style without breaking a sweat, or go on longer cycling adventures with your basket filled with your essentials. In recent years, electric bikes have had a major breakthrough and many people are replacing their second car with an electric bike. An electric bike provides a sense of freedom in being able to easily get where you want to go, protects the environment, helps the economy and gives a nice health boost. Here’s a guide to buying an e-bike safely and easily online.

Are you buying an e-bike?

We sell electric bikes through our own concept stores in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmö and through a network of specialised retailers in Sweden. But you can also buy an Ecoride electric bike online. Simply click on your new electric bike in our web shop, pay via Klarna and pick it up at your nearest service point, so-called Click & Collect.

What should you consider when buying an e-bike?

If you’re a new e-bike buyer, it’s best to try a few different electric bikes before you decide and get advice from our experts (or your local bike shop). But it doesn’t have to be that complicated either. Think about what you want to use your e-bike for, how far you want it to travel on one charge and what kind of terrain you plan to ride on. Based on this, it is then much easier to make a decision when you buy the electric bike online.

You can also test your preferences in our e-bike picker guide and pick up some more tips in the article 5 things to consider when choosing an e-bike in our magazine.

Frequently asked questions about buying an e-bike

How fast does an e-bike go?

An e-bike has a motor that can assist up to a maximum of 25km/h. But of course you can pedal faster than that, without the motor’s assistance

Do I have to pedal an e-bike?

Yes, you do. An e-bike is a further development of an ordinary bicycle, with standard components such as a motor, battery, control box, display and sensors. An e-bike assists your pedalling by providing torque via the motor. The motor is located either in the front or rear wheel (hub motor) or fixed to the frame in the centre of the e-bike (centre motor).

With a hub motor, you get more assistance between pedalling and you get the feeling of being propelled by your e-bike. With a centre motor, you get more pedalling assistance and a greater cycling experience. Read more about hub motors and mid motors here.

What is the weight of an e-bike?

An e-bike weighs about 25kg, which is more than a regular bike as it has components such as the motor, battery and steering box.

How fast can you ride an e-bike?

An e-bike can have assistance up to a maximum of 25 km/h according to legal requirements. The sensors detect how hard you pedal. Above 25km/h, the electric bike works like a normal bike. It is also possible to switch off the assistance completely on the display, after which the electric bike works as a normal bike. So no limit on speed!

Hub or centre engine – pros and cons

Ecoride wants you to buy the e-bike that best suits you and your lifestyle. That’s why we offer electric bikes with both a hub motor and a centre motor. Not many people understand the difference – but it’s actually so important to know! Read through this article to find out all the pros and cons of which motor is right for you.

Before making a purchase, you should always make sure to test drive your e-bike. Electric bikes are built differently and created for different needs, so make sure your new electric bike matches your needs. Do you cycle for fun and want some extra exercise? Or do you need to get to the office quickly and still look like a freshly sprouted rose hip? Do you live in a very hilly area and need to cycle up and down a lot? We’re all different, so there are electric bikes with different motors – to match your lifestyle. Ecoride cares about its customers, so of course you can always test drive your future electric bike to see which one is your perfect match. You can find your nearest dealer here.

E-bike with hub motor – for those who want to let the motor do the work!

Cheaper, easier to service and more durable

What exactly is an electric bike with a hub motor? Well, it’s when the e-bike’s motor is located in the hub of one of the bike’s wheels, front or rear. Usually it is placed in the front wheel for practical reasons. An e-bike with a hub motor is also generally a bit cheaper. When the hub motor is on the front wheel, you get the feeling that you are pushing the bike forward, as opposed to one with the hub motor on the rear wheel, where you get the feeling of being pushed forward by the e-bike. It feels a bit like sitting on an electric moped. An electric bike with a hub motor draws a lot of battery power and provides excellent assistance on hills. It’s great for commuting to work and recreational rides, bike rides where you simply don’t want to get too hot.

Thanks to relatively simple construction, prices are very wallet-friendly. An e-bike with a hub motor is also easier to service because the motor is attached to the wheel. Servicing the motor is made easier, regular chain and gear servicing is just as easy on the centre motor. The motor helps the wheel directly instead of going through gears which makes the bike more durable, the motor starts when you pedal and turns off when you stop = less wear on gears and chain. A bit like how an electric moped works.

…but shorter range as the motor works harder and uses more battery power

The hub motor helps perfectly on uphill slopes as the e-bike does not feel how hard you pedal and you control via buttons or display on the handlebar. The range is shorter (up to 6 miles) as the motor does much of the work on the ride. A rear-wheel motor puts a lot of wear on the cassette and chain.

Mid-engine e-bike – for those who want more of a cycling experience

Ecoride Ambassador – choose easily and buy the right e-bike here

When an electric bike has a mid-drived motor, it sits in the centre of the bike, right by the pedals. A bike with a mid-engine helps you pedal, giving you the feeling of being on a ‘normal’ bike. Good for commuting and giving you the extra power you need for hill climbing, for example. Many new electric bikes now have mid-drived motors for a number of reasons, including that they are easy to pedal and also feel very stable as the centre of gravity is in the middle.

Lighter, easier to manoeuvre and longer range

The e-bike is powered by the force you put on the pedal, so when you shift gears and pedal your e-bike, this also affects and drives the efficiency of the motor. A mid-drive e-bike is a bit more compact, the battery is often small and well integrated with the bike. The balance is better due to the centre of gravity being in the middle, it is also very easy to manoeuvre. Easier to change tyres yourself as the wheels are removed in the same way as a normal bike, no cables or connectors to consider.

…but more wear and tear on gears

There is more wear and tear on the gears than on a front-wheel drive e-bike and the price is higher. It is a little more difficult to service the motor, as it has more small parts than a hub motor. Longer range (up to 9 miles) as you, the cyclist, do more of the work on the bike ride

Would you like to know more about Ecoride’s hub and mid-drive motor models?

Which motor you use on your new electric bike, hub motor or centre motor, is therefore up to you and what you want from your cycling.

An electric bike with a hub motor is a slightly cheaper electric bike where the motor is located on the front or rear wheel and where the bike does the heaviest work on the bike ride, a bit like an electric moped. It does its job and gives a nice feeling of freedom, it is easy to ride and you get there without much effort.

An electric bike with a mid-engine is a little more expensive, but very flexible and takes you from A to B also at a slightly longer distance with a slightly longer battery life but where you as a cyclist have to work a little more, more of a cycling feeling where everyday exercise gets a little more boost.

Here are our models with hub motor and mid-drive motor

Do our test Electric bike selector!

E-bike: The Ideal Mode of Transportation in a Car-Free City

Oslo’s ambition is to become one of the world’s most environmentally friendly cities. One of the goals to achieve this is for the city to become fossil-free by 2050. One of the more important initiatives for Oslo to achieve its environmental goals is the ‘Car-free city life’ project, which aims to reduce dependence on car traffic in the city center and promote sustainable transport, such as e-bikes.

More space for residents in a car-free city

There are several benefits to a car-free city center, both for people and the environment. Here we list five of them:

1. Reduced traffic noise: one of the most obvious benefits of a car-free city center is the reduction of traffic noise. This will improve the quality of life for people living and working in the area, and make it easier to enjoy the surrounding soundscape.

2. Better air quality: car traffic is a source of air pollution, which can cause health problems such as respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Reducing car traffic in city centers can reduce air pollution and improve air quality. Being able to walk or ride an electric bike helps to reduce pollution.

3. Improving road safety: less traffic means fewer accidents. A car-free city center can make it safer for pedestrians and cyclists to move around, as there are fewer vehicles to pass, leading to less risk of collisions.

4. Improved accessibility: reducing car traffic can make city centers more accessible for pedestrians and cyclists. Encouraging a car-free city center offers residents a more communal living environment where they can utilize the public spaces that would otherwise be taken up by cars. An e-bike is a good way to explore the car-free city.

5. Improved health:
walking or cycling in the city center is also a healthy alternative to driving. Physical activity can help reduce the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease and improve mental health. Electric bikes have the advantage of getting around quickly and covering longer distances.

Oslo car-free city
Reducing car traffic can make city centers more accessible for pedestrians and cyclists

Research shows the positive effects of e-bikes

To facilitate the switch from cars to other means of transport, Oslo residents could receive a subsidy for an e-bike. People who bought an e-bike could apply for a grant of up to NOK 5,000 for their purchase. The subsidy package was budgeted to include 1000 e-bikes. The applications came in quickly after only one month the quota was met.

The Institute of Transport Economics conducted a study in 2018 that analyzes the impact of the e-bike subsidy, revealing various positive effects. Data from test subjects showed that the test subjects who switched from a traditional bicycle to an e-bike road 12-18 km further each week. The e-bike is an excellent alternative to the car in a car-free city, making it a perfect substitute.

Riding an e-bike in an urban environment has many advantages. An e-bike is a fast and agile means of transportation that can reach speeds of up to 25 km/h, but it is possible to move at a higher pace using the pedals. The help of the motor allows you to move faster and cover longer distances. It is also advantageous when you need to carry a lot on your bike, such as grocery bags or gym bag, as the motor gives you a helping hand.

The European Green Capital of 2019

Since the launch of Car-free City Life in 2016, several measures have been developed and implemented:
1. No more car traffic on selected streets.
2. Expanding the network of cycle paths and improving infrastructure for cyclists.
3. Parking facilities outside the city center to reduce the number of cars inside the city.
4. Expansion of public transport lines for bus and tram.
5. Subsidized purchase of electric bikes

The outcome of the initiative was positive. The number of pedestrians and cyclists in Oslo has increased significantly due to the cut in car traffic and the promotion of other means of transport, such as electric bikes. Less car traffic has contributed to less air and noise pollution in the city.

Greening the city has paid off! Oslo was named The European Green Capital of 2019 after ranking as number one in 8 out of 12 points on how it works with climate and environmental issues.

Are you also keen to contribute to a better urban environment where the inhabitants can take their place? Come into one of our stores to test an electric bike!

Time to give your e-bike some service?

Time for some service and extra love for your e-bike?

Don’t recognise your beloved e-bike? Has it started making strange noises? Doesn’t it run as usual? A puncture? Has it been a long time since your e-bike got some extra love? To get as many years as possible with your e-bike it’s important to take care of it and give it service. This article gives you tips on what you can do to prevent problems with your e-bike and what to think about when problems occur.

A serviced e-bike is a happy e-bike

How often your e-bike will need servicing varies, of course. It depends on how much you use your e-bike. A frequently used e-bike will need servicing more often than an e-bike not on the roads as often. The type of environment you cycle in also plays a role. Thus, the winter cyclist will need to take care of their bike more than those who only cycle during the summer.

You can easily do some maintenance by yourself, especially preventive upkeeping, but it’s good to let a professional look at your bike occasionally. Even if your e-bike is going smoothly, it’s good to hand it in for professional maintenance to ensure that your e-bike lasts for many years. A frequently used e-bike should be serviced every sixth month for extensive maintenance and occasionally for minor maintenance. For less frequently used e-bikes, a professional service every 12th months is enough. Remember that your e-bike needs authorized service to maintain the three-year warranty.

e-bike ecoride service
A serviced e-bike is a happy e-bike

Firstly, keep your e-bike safe and tidy.

An e-bike is designed to withstand harsh weather, but to prevent wear and tear you should always keep it indoors or under a roof when parked. The e-bike has many components that you should handle carefully. Always remove your battery when the bike is left standing. Read further to learn the best way to take care of your battery.

When cleaning your e-bike, make sure that the battery and the display are not exposed to too much water to prevent damage. Wipe them off with a slightly damp cloth if dirty.

Give your e-bike chain some love and service!

There is a lot you can do to prevent wear and tear on your e-bike. Just like a regular bike you need to keep the chain tidy. If the chain looks dirty and rusty or has started to sound different, it’s time for some love. Use a degreaser to remove old grease and excess oil, remove the dirt and re-oil the chain with new oil. Between oiling the chain, remove dirt with a clean cloth when necessary. As mentioned earlier, you need to upkeep your e-bike during the winter. Salt and gravel can cause a malfunctioning chain.

The battery is the heart of the e-bike

The battery is the heart of the e-bike. Without it your e-bike would just be a regular bike. A battery can last many years if handled correctly. To increase the life span, don’t let it fully discharge. If you don’t use your e-bike for a while, store the battery in a dry and cool place in a vertical position and recharge it once a month. A good rule of thumb is to keep the battery charged to 60-70%. During charging, keep the battery in a vertical position to avoid damage. Always charge in room temperature. If your battery is not working or has visible damage, take it to a professional service center to get the right help. Also, remember that the battery is at high risk of theft and should always be taken with you when your e-bike is left unattended.

How do I give service to the e-bike tires?

Without working tires, you won’t get far on your e-bike. The wheels are subject to wear and tear that can lead to a puncture. If you have a punctured tire on your e-bike, you can come in for a service to get it fixed. Keeping the tires inflated reduces the risk of a puncture. Make it a habit to check if your tires are inflated and not dry or cracked. Wash your bike wheels regularly as dirt will dry them out.

…. and think about the safety!

On snowy, icy, and slippery days, you should use studded tires to make your cycling as safe as possible. Thus, switch to studded tires before the winter season starts to ensure you can use your e-bike when ice and snow cover the cycle paths. Store your regular bike tires cleaned in a cool, dark, and dry space while not in use. If you need help switching wheels we will happily do it for you in one of our workshops.

e-bike ecoride service
Do you need a hand changing tires? We will help you!

Brake short, hard and firm.

If your breaks squeal when you brake, it might be something wrong with them. Or it could simply be your braking technique that is the problem. The best way to brake is short, hard and firm. So if you’re more of a cautious biker, you should think differently when breaking.
Depending on whether you have a disc or a hydraulic brake on your e-bike, different types of problems can occur. When you feel that your brakes are not taking, we always recommend that you come in and get help in one of our service workshops for troubleshooting and repair so that your e-bike runs as safely as possible.

Don’t know what’s wrong with your e-bike?

Does something with your e-bike not feel right and you don’t know the cause? We always recommend you come into one of our service centers for troubleshooting. Before you bring your e-bike in for service, there are things you can do to make the troubleshooting process easier for the service staff. Start by switching on your display to see if it stays on or goes off after a while. Doing this will help rule out whether the problem is related to the engine. If the display shows an error code, this is also helpful information. Then move on to the pedals. Does the e-bike make noise when you pedal? If so, where does the sound seem to come from? The last thing to check is whether the motor works when you use the walk assist. Find out here where you can get your Ecoride e-bike serviced.

e-bike ecoride service
In our workshops we will help troubleshooting your e-bike.

Ecoride e-bike series – Ambassador, Tripper, Flexer and Loader.

Full focus
Prior to our launch we have spent a lot of time refining our model program of e-bikes. Because of that we have removed a whole bunch of models, all to make it easy and clear for you as a customer what the purpose of each series is. Nowadays, we now focus on four model series within specific segments. So let’s present: Ambassador, Tripper, Flexer and Loader.

This is our comfort series. Ambassador is comfy, stable and a e-bike that is easy to cycle. The step is low and the bike provides a comfortable upright sitting position. Most of the Ambassadors have a foot brake at the rear and they all have well-chosen components for a safe and secure everyday transport. Ambassador is a safe family bike. You sit like a king and can easily bring a little buddy int the seat behind you. In the front you can put the basket to load with all the stuff you need. 

See all models from Ambassador

This is our hybrid series for you with an active lifestyle. Tripper is a reaction-fast and sporty e-bike with a forward-leaning and active sitting position. You easily swish past everyone you have in front of you. Tripper loves adventures and is as made for a day in the mountains. We believe you will like the external gears and the responsive feel. All models offer loading both front and rear and of course they come equipped with quality components. Tripper comes with a straight frame, but also with a unisex frame for a lower step and optimal flexibility. Selected models are available with a damped front fork for extra comfort on uneven surfaces.

See all models from Tripper

This is our compact series and thereby our smallest electric bikes. Flexer is smooth and perfect for camping, to bring on the boat eller the car trip. It is a lovely, urband e-bike that goes along great in the city  life. The fact that it is collapsible makes it extra smart and easy to handle. Thanks to AVS platforms, you can customize Flexer based on your needs and load it with the packing you need.

See all models from Flexer

This is our cargo series. The electric bike 2.0 is made for you who wants to transport all your stuff by bike. Here you can easily bring all your packing, your kids and your big dog. Who needs a car when you can have a Loader? Here is room for everything. With a Loader it will be super easy and fun to combine commuting here and there with the rest of the life that needs to fit. And stay tuned, Loader is a series that we are developing right now!

See all models from Loader AXS M5

E-bike system – Shimano STEPS – A mid motor system from Shimano

Shimano STEPS drive systems are available in three different designs. Developed to cover all conceivable cycling needs, they give the electric bike an even wider area of use, on all types of roads, in both wet and dry.


Shimano STEPS E5000 is specially developed for city cycling with smooth and comfortable operation. Equipped with Bluetooth and extra electric assistance, you simplify everyday commuting and it helps to get home heavy purchases from the store.


Shimano STEPS E6100 is a first-class electric bicycle system with components that provide a noticeably improved cycling experience. It is the most versatile system in our range, built on the latest technology.


Shimano STEPS E8000 is our most powerful electric bike system and specially developed for eMTB and trekking. The engine is strong enough to handle the steepest joints, but intuitive enough to give you the right support every step along the way.

Ny konstruktion och design med lättläst display och hög kontrast. Cykeldatorn har standardfunktioner såsom sträcka-, räckvidds- och batteriindikering. Ström och belysning på och av.


Ett intelligent batteri med hög kapacitet 11.6Ah (418Wh) eller 14Ah (504Wh) förser din elcykel med energi, och är placerat i en låg och välbalanserad position vilket ger förbättrad säkerhet och stabilitet.

Shimano STEPS mittmotorer är några av de lättaste på marknaden och ger en naturlig känsla, samtidigt som det har en hållbar konstruktion och klarar hårda väderförhållanden utan problem.

E-bike system – Ecoride Drive System (EDS) – 36V 16Ah battery and colour LED-display.

Most of our models are equipped with our own drive system, which consists of well-chosen components and gives you all the benefits of a modern e-bike drive system.

With a powerful and almost silent engine, you get efficient operation making the engine to rely on all uphills. The engine has an integrated disc brake and a quiet and smooth running. Our engines are integrated in front wheels or rear wheels depending on the model.

Battery PowerPack with a full 576 Wh with cells from Panasonic. The carrying handle is integrated in the top of the battery and there is also an ON/OFF button and battery level indicator. You charge the battery with the PC4 charger, now updated with a Higo socket, specially designed for the e-bike batteries. 

The cycling computer comes with a special key for increased security. You cannot start the computer without the key. The control for walk assist is also integrated in the computer. A new feature is also that the computer prompts when it is time for service, then a symbol appears in the display.

I’ve bought an e-bike… So what do I do now?

Do you have a new e-bike? Congratulations! Here are five practical tips for your new electrically powered life.

1. Look after the battery

The battery is the heart of your e-bike – so it’s something to look after and care for. Batteries are sensitive to weather changes, and particularly to cold conditions. When it’s dry and warm (but not too hot!), the battery is happiest. Below 10°C, we recommend that you take your battery indoors, otherwise the capacity may be reduced. For example, if the temperature’s around 0 °C, the battery can lose around 20% of its capacity, and at -15°C it’s twice that. And that’s not good!

If you put your bicycle in storage throughout the winter, or for some reason need to store the battery for a long period, the battery should be neither fully charged nor fully discharged. An optimal energy level is around 50-70%. 

2. Protect your bike from the rain

It isn’t only low temperatures that can cause problems – over time, moisture can also affect your new vehicle, because after all it is electronic! Of course you can cycle in the rain, but when you park it is sensible to do so under cover. If you don’t have a garage or other space to store it in, a simple solution can be to buy a tarpaulin. 

3. Broad tyres

When it’s time to change the tyres, it’s sensible to replace them with tyres specially designed for e-bikes, because a cycle that has to carry a motor and battery is heavier than one without. These special tyres are broader and so they don’t wear out as quickly as normal cycle tyres. And while we’re talking tyres, we should also mention air pressure, because when it’s cold the pressure drops. So in the winter it can be sensible to top up your tyres with a bit of extra air. The softer the tyres, the worse the rolling resistance, and the more both you and your bike have to work.

4. Just like any other bike (well, almost).

In general, you care for your e-bike just like a normal one. Check the brakes every now and then (essential!), lubricate the chain and keep it clean to avoid unnecessary wear from gravel and other dirt. 

5. New places to visit

Last but not least, don’t forget all the possible new destinations that are open to you with your new bike! Now you can easily cycle up a steep hill and enjoy the view without wearing yourself out on the climb. Perhaps you’d enjoy going round “the sweatiest art trail in the world” on Tjörn, island hopping with your bike in Bohuslän or perhaps discovering the city of Stockholm along the 50 km long, car-free route of Sthlm Bike? And if all this sounds a bit excessive, perhaps you could just cycle to that remote bathing spot you’ve fancied visiting. Or somewhere else that it’s always been too far to cycle the whole way.